Our Big Texas Life

Monday, November 21, 2011

A Year Later...

So it has been nearly a whole year since I've last blogged.  No biggie.  A lot has changed in a year.  We've moved, Jordan got a promotion, I have a new job, our cats are overweight, and we've had several new additions to our extended family.  Oh yeah, we also bought a microwave. 

The microwave has been a source of conflict since we bought it in July.  My husband, ever the penny pincher, insisted that we get the cheapest microwave available.  I agreed, and we quickly found that I should have kept fighting.  It is so small that our regular dinner plates touch all of the sides.  The plate never stays on the tracks, and it takes 5 minutes to heat something that should take 1.  It overheats if you use it too much and the plastic covering the numbers is already falling off.  As I'm typing I can hear it screech as it "heats" Jordan's dinner. 

It is so funny that such a little thing can be the source of so much controversy.  It has gotten to the point that Jordan won't hit certain buttons because he's afraid of breaking them, but he stands by his "economical" purchase. 

A few weeks ago our Pastor said that the things that irritate you are the equivalent of God taking sand paper and smoothing out your edges.  Or he said something along those lines.  He was actually talking about difficult people, but it can be used in this instance as well.  As I'm being smoothed out, and I take a step back, I can honestly say that if a terrible microwave is the worst of my problems I'll have a charmed life.  So I guess this is me taking a step back and taking a breath.  Thank God for the sand paper in my life, it makes me better. 

(I just read this to Jordan and he said, "That's good.  I'm glad you see it my way.")

The Culprit