Our Big Texas Life

Sunday, December 5, 2010

A Guth, Coco, and Amend Thanksgiving

Jordan had to work the day before and after Thanksgiving, so for the second year in a row my entire family packed into our apartment for a feast.  Well, first we ran in the Thanksgiving Day Run.  It was 29 degrees when the race started.  Seriously, I don't know why we did it.  Running wasn't terrible, but when we finished, those that had run had to stand around while our sweat evaporated off of us (and risk freezing to death) to wait for the walkers in the group.  Hey, I'm not complaining!  I actually think the walkers were smarter than us.  They weren't freezing and then still had a great time.  But the best was still to come!  I have the most AMAZING turkey recipe.  My sister found it and sent it to me last year to try and it was an instant hit.  I would have taken a picture of it to put on here, but at the end of the cooking time we put a sweet onion jam on it and it looked like sludge.  Looks aside, it was easily the best turkey I've ever tasted. 

After dinner everyone but Jordan piled on as many layers of clothing as possible and drove to the plaza to watch the lighting ceremony.  Jordan stayed home to watch the Cowboys game.  The Cowboys are terrible.  Anyway, the plaza lighting ceremony is another thing we did last year as well, and we walked away saying "I don't remember why we decided to do that again."  Sure, its festive to see the lights come on, but its cold and traffic is terrible.  When we got there we stood in the cold for 1/2 an hour listing to Kansas City's version of a show choir sing half of Glee's soundtrack, and then BOOM the lights are on.  Not its time to walk to our cars and sit in a parking garage for an hour waiting for traffic to lighten. 

Easton licking the chocolate off of his face and showing me how
 he can touch his nose with his tongue

However, I'm sitting here smiling at the memories from the past 2 years and for some reason I still think that the running and the plaza lights were fun.  Strange, huh? I guess maybe its because we danced like idiots to the music on the plaza to stay warm, froze together on Sprint's campus in the morning to watch every family member cross the finish line, and watched my 4 year old nephew try to lick chocolate off of his face all afternoon.  I guess its having family around that makes it worth freezing. 

I love Thanksgiving!
Woo Hoo! The lights are on!